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Paint Tools S.A.S. - Nespoli Latin America

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24 employees
Established in 1976

Company description

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Headquartered in Cartagena since 1976, we supply paint rollers and other paint sundries to Colombia, the Caribbean market, Central America and the Andean Region. We are part of the Nespoli Group, a leading European designer and manufacturer of paint tools. Our aim is to create products that are easier to use, better designed, and more efficient, always with an eco-friendly approach. Established in Italy in the 40’s, after World War II, The Nespoli Group grew from a small local artisan business to an industrial international group with sites all over Europe and in other non-European countries. Headquartered in Cantù (Italy) and managed by Luigi and Alessandro Nespoli, Nespoli Group now operates worldwide and employs about 1300 people. It is 100% privately owned. For more information on Nespoli Group, please go to
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information




PROCOLOMBIA, Endeavor Colombia, Cámara de Comercio de Cartagena

Promotional marketing materials:

2020 - Catalogo Acepint Nespoli.pdf


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