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4 employees
Established in 2017

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We are Mulata Films*, an Argentinian integrated production company that has been generating innovative audiovisual formats for the last twenty years. And if you think that was kind of pretentious, wait to hear this: we are a group of young creative, passionate, and self-demanding professionals -some of us young-spirited at least-, that really enjoy working together and making the best out of every opportunity we get. Our clients seem to be very happy with the results and people tend to like what we do... so in some mysterious way it works! And that definitely makes us shinny happy people. We believe in new ways of story-telling to offer cultural and educational contents in an entertaiment context. We won the Japan Prize and had been nominated five times to the Emmy Awards.
IndustrySector / Industry

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HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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