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INTELECTUM (Servicios Ejecutivos 18.22 CA)

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20 employees
Established in 2009

Company description

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INTELECTUM helps organizations and individuals to be more productivity, to drive cultural change and to develop their full potential. We do this trough proven and well known methodologies like: GTD - Getting Things Done, David Allen’s productivity methodology to efficiently manage the workflow, reduce stress , gain control and ultimately become a better leader. Provides decision making and planning tools. STREAMLINE Certified - to optimice internal communications and save time. USECLARK - to improve the process of absorbing information, focusing and developing memory. TYPE FACTOR - to improve relationships
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Spain


Getting Things Done®


These badges certify that certain information declared by a company has been verified, so it can increase the reliability and visibility of its profile.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company exported services at least 2 times within the last 12 months.

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People in this company (2)

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