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Gourmet Fields Ltd

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Costa Rica
5 employees
Established in 2012

Company description

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Gourmet Fields prides itself in creating the most exquisite and exceptional Costa Rican chocolates. Our products are made with organic cacao that comes from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms. We encourage organic farming where the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides that may have harmful effects in the environment and in our health are avoided. When consumers buy our chocolates they are supporting a healthy environment and the improvement of the quality of life for Costa Rican farm families. This community may benefit from safe working conditions, enjoy dignified housing, medical care, and access to schools for their children.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


USA, Canada, China, Chile

Main customers:

Corporación de Supermercados Unidos


USDA organic, Rainforest Alliance, Organic Agriculture EU


These badges certify that certain information declared by a company has been verified, so it can increase the reliability and visibility of its profile.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company is legally constituted and the people linked to this enterprise are able to do businesses.

What does this badge mean?

ConnectAmericas has verified this company holds the following valid certificates at the moment of verification: Rainforest Alliance , USDA Organic , Orgánico Unión Europea Reglamento Nacional

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ConnectAmericas has verified this company exported goods at least 2 times within the last 12 months.

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People in this company (1)

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