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26 employees
Established in 2009

Company description

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We develop better software solutions for your company, working as a team, meeting deadlines, innovating and creating new user experiences. WHAT WE DO 1) End to end Software Development: We guide you in the construction of software, transforming your idea into a viable product. We respect deadlines and budgets to generate greater return value for your investment. 2) Web & Mobile Development: We create fast, simple and elegant user interfaces capable of running on multiple browsers, smartphones and tablets. We develop your mobile apps for Android and iOS. 3) Staff Augmentation: We have great experience increasing in site and remote staff. We know how to accelerate and add value quickly within your IT teams, in a self-managed or managed way. 4) Cloud Services Provider: We help our clients to define a path and make appropriate, realistic and safe decisions in the process of selection and adoption of cloud technologies or solutions, through a specialized team. 5) Digital Transformation: We work to digitize your business processes. We optimize, design and implement with effective tools and solutions, so you can monitor and measure the performance of your organization. 6) Software Maintenance: We provide assistance and support, at the same time that we make corrections in the software of our customers, developed by us or third parties. We plan and prioritize functionalities through Evolutionary Maintenance plans.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Main customers:

Parlamento, Ministerio de Turismo (UY), Ministerio del Interior (UY), INDDHH, Correo Uruguayo, Libra, Ternium, Equifax Uruguay, Diario El Pais S.A, Edenred


Microsoft Silver Application Development

Promotional marketing materials:

presentacion-fx2 (2).pdf


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People in this company (2)

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