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DMB HK Limited

To rate this company
Hong Kong S.A.R., China
5 employees
Established in 2014

Company description

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We are a company established development in Hong Kong diverse technologic business based on internet and other digital tools, utilizing the vanguard technic and with high quality standards. It is formed by professionals with a lot of professional experience in several fields as the engineering, informatics, marketing and business. With the only goal of developing goods and diverse services for the company and current industries. Actually dedicating efforts to the development of various business units identified with diverse brands that we administrate. These business units cover the following fields: • We work as purchasing agent in China for different countries. • Sourcing, trading, finding and evaluation of suppliers. • Advice to the client before and during the purchase process. • Coordination and monitoring of the purchase order until export. • We manage the communication with the suppliers. • Putting the appropriate product at the best price and guaranteeing the quality. • Inspection system and quality control to the orders of customers. • Constant checks and inspections through the production process. • Shipment and sealed of the container with total security and confidence. Our business areas: - Cómprale a China: - Bemetech: - BM Consulting: - Peruvian Fair:
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Hong Kong S.A.R., China

Main customers:



CPC, ASTM, Test Report, Inspection Report

Promotional marketing materials:

BM Consulting.pdf
Warranty Details.pdf
Hong Kong Trade Development Council - Enterprise Yearbook 2021.pdf
Who We Are.pdf


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ConnectAmericas has verified this company exported goods at least 8 times within the last 12 months.

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ConnectAmericas has verified this company exported services at least 6 times within the last 12 months.

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People in this company (1)

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