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CCJK Changsha Beyond-Cloud Translation Co.Ltd

To rate this company
500 employees
Established in 2000

Company description

See translation

Translation transcription transcreation, susbtitle, caption,dubbing,voiceover,interpretation,Game /website Multimedia localization,DTP(Desktop Publishing inlucding formate tranform,review and edit),Editting , proofreading, Back-Translation, MTPE,AI Labeling, Voiceover, Voice collection, Form filling, SEO, writting, copywrites in more than 120 language combinations native level with over 20 years for various industries like Legal,Medical,IT and software, Business and Market,Finacial and Banking, Consulting and Travel, Game and media entertainment, Novel book and comestics history arts ,etc.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, Japan, Spain, Hong Kong S.A.R., China, United States Minor Outlying Islands, United Kingdom

Main customers:

GE healthcare/Apple/S&P/Transpefect




COMCE, ConnectAmericas

Promotional marketing materials:

Beyond-Cloud Translation Company Profile_V4.pdf
彼岸译云宣传册_V4纯中文 Rachel.pdf


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What does this badge mean?

This company has declared that: - Its general management and/or its budget decisions are in charge of women, or; - At least 51% of the company is owned by 1 or more women

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People in this company (1)

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