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ARCH Consulting Group Ltd.

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4 employees
Established in 2017

Company description

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ARCH Consulting Group is an international development & cooperation consulting firm specialized in technical delivery, strategy consultation, research, and project management services for the public and private sectors. ARCH serves Latin America and the Caribbean region and delivers services in English, Spanish, and French via its offices in Belize, Mexico, and the United States. Established since 2017, ARCH has worked with an extensive range of leading regional and international entities, from intergovernmental organizations to governmental entities, regional development banks, national and international media channels, and private companies. Our areas of expertise include but are not limited to: Research & Development, Project & Program Design, Project Management, Data Collection & Analysis, Monitoring & Evaluation, Capacity Building & Knowledge Transfer, Social Impact Assessment, Report and Grants Writing, Policy Analysis & Support, SDG Integration, Fieldwork and Local Coordination, Public-Private Partnership Development, Communication & Marketing Strategy, Media & Digital Development and Production We have extensive experience working on projects and programs on: Democracy & Governance, Anti-Corruption & Transparency, Law & Policies, Open Governance & Open Data, Local Governance, Local & Rural Development, Environment and National Resource Management, Youths and at-risk Youth, Gender Parity, and Poverty Reduction.
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Commercial information


Belize, Mexico, USA, France

Main customers:

United Nations Agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, UN Women), Governments (Belize, USA, France), Intergovernmental Organizations (OAS, the Trust for the Americas), Development Banks (IDB, CDB, WB, CAF), Media (CBS News, BBC), Private Companies (Amazon)

Promotional marketing materials:

ARCH Consulting_Company Information_ConnectAmericas.pdf


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