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Alfagama S.A. de C.V.

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3 employees
Established in 2006

Company description

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Vanilla-Trade is an enterprise which has specialized in promoting Mexican Gourmet Vanilla since 2005 and is part of the Alfagama-group since 2011. Vanilla-Trade is an enterprise which has specialised in promoting Mexican Gourmet Vanilla. The company was founded 2005 and distributes from Veracruz, high quality Vanilla from it’s original origin Mexico. Since 2009 Vanilla-Trade associated with farmers on site to optimise production and distribution and to support sustainable vanilla cultivation from small, regional farmers. The founders, german Nadja Schumann and her Mexican partner Jose Manuel Rodriguez Nieto want to make Mexican Gourmet Vanilla -a world heritage food from Mexico - available worldwide for connoisseurs, food specialist, food lovers and manufactures and on the same time support farmers to help that this in Mexico originated spice does not disappear. Mexican vanilla is the original form of vanilla and still carries the unique and unmistakable aroma that was already used by theTotonacs & Aztecs. Vanilla combines 200 different aromas, vanillin is the most characteristic component of the aroma. In addition, 50 other aromatic substances and more than 130 chemical compounds provide the unique taste of natural vanilla. The taste of our Mexican Original Vanilla combines these pure natural vanilla flavours and offers sweet brown & caramel taste profile that ranges from the classic sweet spectrum to spicy, woody & toasted aroma nuances. The spicy heavy toasted aroma nuances are only found in the Mexican Vanilla. Vanilla-Trade was created with the aim of bringing the original Mexican Vanilla to a steady positioning within the world market. We have own vanilla plantations and are involved in creating small holder farmers into cooperatives, increase national vanilla production, spreading the vanilla cultivation to different local communities, progate organic farming while concerned with the environment and equitable sharing. Our vision To be a leading social enterprise committed to the sustainable vanilla development in Mexico through an agroforestry farming approach. Our Mission Increase production volume of the original & first Vanilla in the world which is considered by UNESCO as a world heritage for the cultural importance of food ingredients in Mexico and reaches today not more than 1-3% of the global vanilla output. Sustainable development of local communities through the valorization of their activities and the conservation of the environment. Preserving tropical forests – a source of hig CO 2 Sequestration – trough providing local farmers with a profitable agroforestry farming crop along with providing know-how, plants & tools. Our passion finds international partners We are growing our principals over national borders and bring together different independent organisations guided by the same values. A commitment to an ethical & sustainable direct trade that benefits the small farmers in our regions & our clients worldwide. Currently we bring together small farmers, cooperatives and independent organizations from Mexico, Madagascar and India. Our products => vanilla beans => vanilla extracts 2x,4x,10x (with or without alcohol) => vanilla paste => vanilla powder (whole ground vanilla) => Vanilla cuts 2-3mm ideal for tea/herb infusion mixtures or extraction processes => Vanilla powder/ vanilla seeds (flavourless) => Allspice => Speciality Cacao beans, NIBS, paste If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: WhatsAPP +522291520227 Why not visit us at or at
IndustrySector / Industry

Products and ServicesProducts and Services
HS code: {{pas.hsCode | limitTo: 23}}
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Germany, France, Australia, Chile, Japan, Mexico, USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands

Main customers:

Spice dealers, chocolate and Iceream fabrication, beverages, bakery, Flavour & Aroma companies, fragrance perfumery, cosmetics,


Compliance with HACAP and global Food standards

Promotional marketing materials:

Photos from 7 Events.jpg
2014-05-07 12.27.51.jpg
2016-08-02 15.40.34.jpg


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